I participated in the online seminar "Understanding and regulating one's own emotions" by Ms. Katzenschlager and I am thrilled.
The preparations, such as the pre-sending of the handouts via email as well as the gentleness of Ms. Katzenschlager towards me are very commendable. The conduct of the seminar is structured and with participatory option to change the course. Ms. Katzenschlager explains the psychoeducation with professional competence and noticeable wealth of experience. Her guidance in the direct demo/intervention is also empathetic, appreciative and caring. She effectively addresses any questions and thoughts of the participants and provides empowering impulses.
Basically, it should be noted that certain rudimentary prior knowledge regarding emotions and their modes of action is an advantage, as is at least selective access to one's own emotional world, as these are also active self-regulation strategies that can lead to powerful changes. If this should not be the case, further work can be done with Ms. Katzenschlager afterwards in order to expel or release the corresponding processes.
I hereby recommend Ms. Katzenschlager to anyone who would like to learn more about emotions and how to deal with them in order to better understand themselves and their environment.
Kind regards
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