BHHS Cayman Islands

Real estate in grand Cayman, Residential property for sale in cayman islands

BHHS Cayman Islands
5.00 out of 5
5 Reviews
Contact information
When investing in today's fast-paced real estate market, you need an experienced, fully licensed agency. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices remains the brokerage that listens first, knows the market, and are dedicated to ensuring you make your best...

Contact information

BHHS Cayman Islands
390 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman
KY1-1203 George Town
Cayman Islands

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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Cayman Islands

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Excellent (5.00)
Price/Quality ratio
Excellent (5.00)

5 Reviews on
 (last 24 months)

5.00 out of 5
5.00 out of 5
One of the best real estate agent that I had ever met in the Cayman Islands. Who had multiple options in residential properties and even in commercial too also in my budget. she had never let me down in terms of prices.
Customer review & rating for:
BHHS Cayman Islands
5.00 out of 5
I recently moved to the Cayman Islands and attended one event where I got to know about the Diamond Proeprties. I was actually looking for somone who can help me for the commercial properties in the Cayman Islands.
Customer review & rating for:
BHHS Cayman Islands
5.00 out of 5
The process of finding a residential property in the Cayman Islands found it tedious but the team of Diamond Properties helped us really well. Paula was very knowledgeable and appreciate her for everything.
Customer review & rating for:
BHHS Cayman Islands
5.00 out of 5
We found them very easy going, I was looking for the luxurious homes in the Cayman Islands. We were total ten family members. Diamond Properties team helped us very nicely and explained everything in detail.
Customer review & rating for:
BHHS Cayman Islands
5.00 out of 5
I decided to settle again in Cayman from USA with my mother and I needed someone who was familiar with the real estate in grand Cayman. Truly, the staff was very co-operative and knowledgeable, helped me through all the processes.
Customer review & rating for:
BHHS Cayman Islands
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